Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Giveaway (yahoo!!) AND a Halloween Treaty

Do you ever set goals for yourself?  Well, sometimes I do.  I like making goals because when they are accomplished I feel successful which then makes me feel happy! - it is a win win situation in my mind...especially if my "goal" has been reached. :-)

One of my "goal setting" moments recently has been with my blog and being part of the food blogging world.  When I first started to build my blog I did a lot of browsing through other food blogs and picked out what I really liked about them.  From there I formed a list as to what I wanted to include in my blog.  Such things as having a "print friendly" button was important along with making labels of the kinds of foods I blogged about so that recipes could be easily searched and found.  I also wanted to increase the traffic/visits to my blog.  I am still learning the best way to do this but with time and more experience I think I will learn the ins and outs of what attracts people to my blog and then make it happen!

I have recently won two (yes, TWO) separate giveaways on other food blogs (Thanks Monica and Ingrid...hugs and gratitude to the both of you for your lovely giveaways).  Can I tell you that everyone around me would think that I had just won the lottery each time I discovered I had won one of these giveaways.....I was out of my skin with excitement!!! And yes, winning a giveaway has also been on my "goal list" - yahoooie I have been able to cross off that one (twice!!!).  So that being said, it is time for me to make someone else just as happy (I hope) as I was when I won my giveaways and give away a little somethin'
somethin' on my blog.

Here you go.....some food tattoos (don't they look fun!?!) and a cutie patootie dish brush (that is actually named "Baker"....such a perfect name in my eyes coming from a woman that LOVES to bake herself!).

How do you win these two little treasures?  All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what you have to celebrate today (one or two simple things is great) here on my blog or on my Baking and Creating with Avril facebook page (don't forget to become a fan on FB if you have yet to do so)...and yes, you can comment in both places to increase your chances of winning.   I will start first....

*Today I am celebrating the fact I had energy to clean my kitchen (see, something small is fine).

* I am also celebrating the reality that it was a beautifully sunny Fall day outside.  Happy Fall Y'all!

*Oh, and one more thing I am celebrating today is that the Keene PD is giving out FREE pumpkins!!!! Fun and just in time for the Pumpkin Festival this coming weekend. :-)

*Lastly (but oh so gratefully) I am celebrating the fact that I have 70 followers now on my blog!!!!!  Thank you, thank you one and all for following my blog!

I will announce the winner of my giveaway Saturday a.m. Last entrance will be excepted no later than Friday @ 12 midnight.  All entrants will be placed in a hat and picked at random.

Now to move onto my Halloween Treaty.....super easy to make and VERY fun to involve kiddos in the making of it.  I first saw a version of this treat from my friend Astrid.  She makes huge batches of these fun treats at Christmas time.  I thought it would be fun to make them for Halloween by just switching up the kind of candy I used geared for Halloween.

Sweet and Salty Halloween Treats



*Hershey Kisses (I used the striped white and milk chocolate kind)

*Candy Corn


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.  Place pretzels on cookie sheet....

2. Unwrap Hershey's Kisses....

...can you tell how happy Jo was to be soooo up close and personal with the HK's??? :-)

3. Place HK's on top of pretzels....

 ....and then place filled cookie sheet in oven.  Bake for 4-5 minutes but no longer - just until HK's start to get shiny.  Take out of oven and place candy corn on top of HK's....

....gently pushing CC's into chocolate.

4. Cool and then transfer to serving platter or wrap up in cute packages to give away.

Happy Sweet and Salty Halloween Treats Making and good luck on the giveaway!


  1. These treats are so cute. I'm going to make some for my co-workers!

    I'm celebrating that all those miners are getting rescued in Chile today. I thinks its amazing.

  2. I am SO grateful for my incredible family! Chris and my boyZZZ are the best gift I have EVER received!

    I also am grateful for all of the beauty that I was around this afternoon the colors are so beautiful!

    Love these little yummies! Going to make them for the party!

  3. Oh my gosh, love the treats! Too cute. :o) I'm grateful that I got a chance to visit my family in your neck of the woods (Worcester, MA) this past weekend. Thanks, Avril, for hosting the giveaway!

  4. These look yummy! I think I will make some of these for my small group on Friday! Yay! I also didn't know you had a facebook group! Double yay! I am celebrating today that I hit 100 followers on my blog! (and am at 101 now!) I'm hosting my first giveaway next week! So fun!!

  5. I'm grateful that I was able to fly and visit my son (and family) for four days! :)
    I love these treats...easy and festive! Love the sweet and salty.
    Hooray for your 70 followers! :)

  6. Love these, made mine with caramels. Gave them out on Valentine's Day and everyone loved them too.

  7. These little treats are so cute and festive! Today I am celebrating that my son turns 13 tomorrow!

  8. I'm celebrating that the 1st heater repairman we called was wrong and we don't need an entire new unit after all! It's all fixed and put back together for the awesome low cost of $200. WHEW

    I love these treats - I make them at Christmas and put a red or green M & M on top.

    susitravl (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. Those little treats are so adorable!!! I love them!

    Today, I am grateful for great friends. I am grateful for my health and my family. I am also grateful to find fabulous blogs like yours!

    I get super excited when I win something too. I will jump up and down and have to call my older sister immediately! LOL!

  10. Well, I think your blog is awesome! I've been a follower for awhile and I love seeing what you have created!

    I'm grateful for a ton today - long story short... I work in a middle school. I am grateful that my student who I have been working with FOREVER is at school today and almost lice free. (We have to celebrate the small things, right?)

    And I LOVE winning giveaways. I tell everyone when I win something. (Yes, everyone! Even people I don't know. That's how sad I am.) =o)

  11. The treats look great! I look forward to reading your blog. It's very reader friendly.

    Today I am grateful for my amazing husband. He has been very supportive during some difficult times recently.

    I am also grateful for all that have beleived in me and gave me the courage to open my custom cake business!

  12. I'm grateful that today is our last day of having temps in the 90's. I am so ready for Fall and cooler weather. I am also very grateful for the girls I work with. They make my job so much more enjoyable!

  13. Hey, I just wanted to say your blog is so cute! I love the title part! and these treats look perfect, not too sweet! Let's see I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to attend college I'm loving every second of it!

  14. Yay for giveaways especially when you win! :)

    I'm thankful for blogging friends such as yourself and I'm VERY thankful for the fact that today is payday AND Friday!

  15. Love those treats!! I am celebrating a weekend off work. But it is going way too fast with too much to catch up on! Glad you had the energy to clean your kitchen I am not even pregnant and I have that issue all the time!!

  16. tory burchは皆様の期待を応じて、いよいよ日本に入りました。銀座にそのブランド品を販売する店をオープンしました。フラグシップ店があり、そのほか首都圏の百貨店では、三越?松屋?伊勢丹?高島屋?西武?そごうにも入っています。実店舗が広いですけど、それより、オンラインショップがもっと広いです。日本人にとってはわざわざアメリカへトリーバーチ フラットを購入する必要はありません.

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