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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My NEW Hobby....and Milk and Cookies!!!

Yes, I have added another hobby to my life.....saving money!!!! That's right I'm now having loads of fun with coupons! Who knew saving money would be SO MUCH FUN!! Well, it is especially FUN when you have a fabulous friend like I do that is SUPER good at it.  That friend of mine, Kylah is an expert at it!  She has totally mastered the whole concept of couponing.   She is guiding me and showing me the "in's and out's" of it all.  My goodness there is a whole world of couponing that I had no idea existed.  I'm sure many of you  are already are involved in this hobby.  For those of you that are not and want to get a better idea of what it all means to SAVE $$$ go on over to Kylah's lovely coupon blog called, Crazy'Bout Couponz and check it out.  

Now onto one of my other hobbies....baking!!!

There is something so good about cookies and milk.  They go together so well!  I'm sure many of you like to dip your cookies right into your glass of milk right? Well, these cookies that I am about to share with you are just PERFECT for such a thing.  So go ahead and take a few minutes out of your day to make these cookies.  Then set aside some time to sit down with these yummy cookies and a nice glass of milk and dip away!

The best part about this great recipe is that it is whipped together super fast!  I made it an hour before I had to leave the house for a playdate.  I left the house with a plate full of fun cookies and came home with an empty plate as both the kiddos and the mommy's enjoyed them to the fullest!   :-)

Cookie Sticks


1/2 cup of canola oil (yes, oil NOT butter is used in these cookie recipe)

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar, packed

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 cup flour

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 cup semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Combine oil, white and brown sugar, egg and vanilla extract in a large bowl. 

3. In a medium bowl combine flour, baking soda and salt.  Add this to the oil/sugar mixture.  Divide dough in half.

4. Grease a cookie sheet and place the two 1/2 doughs on the sheet - shape into long rectangles...about 15"x3" in size.  Sprinkle chocolate chips over cookie dough rectangles...

Gently press chips into cookie rectangles so you don't risk loosing them....

5.  Place in oven and bake for 7-8 minutes (9-10 minutes if you wish your cookies to be crispier).  Cool for 5 minutes.

6. With a pizza cutter cut baked cookie rectangles into 4 large pieces - this makes it easier to transfer onto cooling racks.

Cool completely and then cut previously cut sections into 1" strips...

Don't these little cookie sticks just scream for a glass of milk or even a HOT cup of tea to go along side them? :-)


Happy Cookie Sticks Baking!  


  1. The birth of my third child was the end of my couponing days, so kudos to you to be able to bake, coupon, and take care of a new baby! These cookie sticks look amazing!

  2. What a great idea to cut the cookies into strips! They look so special that way.

  3. Oh my GRACIOUS! Those look so scrumdium-dium-tious!!!

  4. Talk about a great hobby, I'm totally with you. Saving money is always fun. Great looking cookie sticks. Such a neat twist on the typical chocolate chip cookie.

  5. These are so cute! I love it, perfect for dipping in milk.

  6. This is a fun post saving and baking; both equally great! Love your cookies; most unusual!

  7. These were SO YUMMY! I didn't even share them! Thanks for posting my blog so your readers can start to SAVE like us :o)

  8. I'll definitely check out her blog. I could sure go for some of those cookie sticks right now :D

  9. Couponing is so fun, isn't it? Love going to Publix and walking out with tons of savings. :)

  10. GREAT!!! another delicous recipe that I will have to try.
    Have a great weekend

  11. good idea! perfect for dunking!

  12. I loved these cookie sticks when I first saw them on Amanda's blog, and I still love them, on your blog! One of my daughters does the couponing thing too. It's amazing! Have fun, Avril!

  13. These look amazing. Oh yum. I am addicted to couponing. It is so much fun. I am off to check out your friends blog. Thanks.

  14. Avril, love your cookie sticks! They do look like the perfect cookie to have with an ice cold glass of milk. I'm a terrible couponer (is that a word?). I bring them to the store and forget to use them. I hope you're better at it than me, lol!

  15. Oooh! Something about these just look yummy and addicting!



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